
CAS Number Name
This substance has an overall structural similarity to the substances below which are all found on the SIN List. Hence, this substance is likely to share the hazardous properties of the SIN substances below. However it does not belong to any SIN Groups as defined in the SIN List. Please note that SINimilarity builds on structural similarity only. To verify potential hazardous properties, further evaluation is needed.

Matching SIN groups

No matching SIN groups found

Matching SIN substances

CAS Number Chemical name SIN group
88-72-2 2-nitrotoluene Nitro compounds
606-20-2 2,6-dinitrotoluene Nitro compounds
619-15-8 2,5-dinitrotoluene Nitro compounds
121-14-2 2,4-dinitrotoluene Nitro compounds
25321-14-6 Dinitrotoluene Nitro compounds
602-01-7 2,3-dinitrotoluene Nitro compounds
95-53-4 O-toluidine Aromatic amines
618-85-9 3,5-dinitrotoluene Nitro compounds

Chemical composition